Farrier Dictionary
Find all farrier related terms and what they mean
- Abaxial
- Abduction
- Abrasion
- Abscess
- Acute
- Acute laminitis
- Adduct
- Aetiopathogenesis
- Aluminium
- Anaesthesia
- Angle of sole
- Angle of wall
- Angled
- Angular limb deformity
- Angulation
- Anterior
- Anvil
- Apprentice
- Apprenticeship
- Apron
- Artefact
- Arteriovenous anastomoses
- Artery
- Arthrodesis
- Astringent
- Atrophy
- Autosensitise
- Avulsion
- Axial
- Balance
- Balance (dynamic)
- Balance (static)
- Bar of wall
- Bar shoe
- Bar stock
- Base narrow
- Base wide
- Basement membrane
- Bench knee
- Bick
- Bilateral
- Bleb
- Bolus
- branch
- Breakover
- Breakover point
- Broken back hoof pastern axis (HPA)
- Broken forward (HPA)
- Bruise
- Brushing
- Buck kneed
- Buffer
- Bull nosed
- Buttress
- Buttress foot
- Calf kneed
- Calkin
- Camped under
- Canker
- Cannon
- Cannon bone
- Capsular rotation
- Cartilage
- Caudal
- Central groove of frog-
- Centre of articulation
- Centripetal
- Certified
- Changing the breakover
- Checker plate aluminium
- Chronic
- Chronic laminitis
- Clenching block
- Clenching cutter
- Clenching tong
- Clips
- Club foot
- Cobalt drill bit
- Coffin bone
- Cold shoeing
- Collateral groove
- Conformation
- Conformational fault
- Contracted heels
- Contracted hoof
- Corium
- Corn
- Coronary band
- Coronary groove
- Coronet
- Corrective shoeing
- Cortex
- Cow hocked
- Craftsman
- Crena
- Croup
- Cuneate
- Deep digital flexor tendon
- Defect
- Deformity
- Dehiscence
- Denervation
- Dermal lamella
- Dermis
- Derotation
- Developmental laminitis
- Deviation
- Diagnose
- Digit
- Digital cushion
- Disease
- Dishing
- Distal
- Distal displacement of the distal phalanx
- Dorsal
- Dorsal wall resection
- Dorsopalmar
- Dressage
- Driving hammer
- Dropped sole
- Ducketts bridge
- Ducketts dot
- Dynamic balance
- Fabricated
- Face
- False quarter
- False sole
- Feathers
- Fetlock
- Fetus
- Fine boned
- Fire tongs
- Fishtail bar shoe
- Flank
- Flare
- Flat footed
- Flatten
- Flexural
- Floating
- Fluctuant
- Flux
- Foot
- Foot off
- Forearm
- Forearm
- Forelegs
- Forelimbs
- Forge
- Forge welding
- Forging
- Forging metal
- Founder
- Frog
- Frog corium
- Frog plate
- Front
- Fuller
- Fullered
- Fullering
- Fungi
- Haemodynamics
- Haemostasis
- Hammer
- Hammer strike
- Hardy hole
- Head
- Heart bar
- Heel
- Heel bulbs
- Heel cutter
- Histopathology
- Hock
- Hockey sticking
- Hoof
- Hoof angle
- Hoof beats
- Hoof capsule
- Hoof growth
- Hoof imbalance
- Hoof nipper
- Hoof pastern axis (HPA)
- Hoof pick
- Hoof rings
- Hoof slough
- Hoof stand
- Hoof tester
- Hoof wall
- Hoof wall separation
- Horn
- Horn lamellar distance
- Horse boot
- Hot fit tong
- Hot shoeing
- Hypertension
- Hypertrophy
- Hypoechogenicity
- Paddling
- Palmar
- Palmar/plantar angle of distal phalanx
- Palpate
- Parietal surface
- Pastern
- Pastern bone (short)
- Pathogenesis
- Pathological fracture
- Pathology
- Patten bar shoe
- Pedal ostitis
- Pentadactyl
- Perineural
- Periople
- Perioplic corium
- Perioplic ring
- Phalanges
- Phalanx
- Pigeon toed
- Plaiting
- Plantar
- Plantar cushion
- Point
- Point of hip
- Post legged
- Posterior
- Povidone
- Pritchel
- Prodromal
- Prognosis
- Prolapsed sole
- Prophylaxis
- Protocol
- Proximal
- Punch
- Sand cracks
- Scarf
- Seat of corn
- Sedation
- Seedy toe
- Seitenlippen
- Sensitive coronary band
- Sensitive frog
- Sensitive laminae
- Sensitive sole
- Sepsis
- Septic osteitis
- Set toe
- Setting back shoe
- Shank
- Sheared heels
- Shod
- Shoe
- Shoe puller
- Short pastern
- Shoulder
- Sickle hocked
- Side wall
- Signalment
- Sinker
- Solar
- Sole
- Sole corium
- Spectroscopy
- Splay footed
- Square
- Stainless steel
- Stamp
- Staples
- Static balance
- Steel
- Stifle
- Store horse
- Straighten
- Stratum basale
- Stratum corneum
- Stratum externum
- Stratum germinativum
- Stratum medium
- Stratum spinosum
- Stud plugs
- Studs
- Sub-solar
- Subclinical
- Subcutis
- Submural
- Sulcus
- Synovitis