Deep Digital Flexor Tendon Injury
How to treat a horse with a deep digital flexor tendon injury
14 year old showjumper
Acute injury at show, landing after fence 150 cm
Severe acute injury to the Deep Digital Flexor Tendon
The DDFT is a major part of the suspensory apparatus of the leg. Continues strain may lead to acute injuries.
Box rest/shock wave
The object of shoeing for this injurie is to unload the DDFT. To give rest and enhance chances for healing but also to avoid overloading the other foot. The risk for loading laminitis in the opposite foot is evident. With a radical heel elevation like this the loading of other structures like the suspensory ligament will increase and strain and pain as a result needs to be monitored. The height of approx. 45 mm is chosen after trying to find the height the horse was comfortable with. And of course after discussion with a veterinarian.

2 weeks after injury, heels not in contact with ground on firm surface. Stabled in deep bedding.

After 2 weeks box rest a patten bar with 45 mm heel graduation is applied. Immediate improvement

After gradually lowering the heel elevation over a period of 5 month the horse was sound at the walk, shod normally and went to a breeders yard to be put in foal.