Contracted DDFT
Aksel treats a horse with a contracted deep digital flexor tendon (DDFT)
9 month Warmblood gelding.
Had developed an ”upright” hoof over some time(?) Heels has been trimmed down with the result that they were no more in contact with ground and toe was worn excessively. Radiographs shows re-modelling of tip of P3
Contracted Deep Digital Flexor Tendon.
Developed to a grade 3 clubfoot
Acquired flexural tendon deformity can appear in weanlings 3- 6 months and is commonly set of by nutrition unbalances. Over feeding and rapid growth can set it of.
The Superficial or Deep Digital Flexor Tendon alone or both is functionally to short and affects the hoof pastern axis to be “broken forward”.
Flexural deformities can appear in one or both feet at the same time.
Typical signs:
• Heels grows faster
• Diverging growth rings
• Concave dorsal wall
• Broken forward hoof-pastern axes
• Toe angle greater than 70, (55-60 is considered normal)
• Radiographs shows re-modelling of dorso-distal aspect (tip) of P3
Milder cases: trimming excessive growth in heels.
When heels are not touching the ground; toe extension.
Severe cases: Surgery
Desmotomy of inferior check ligament
Aluminium dorsal extension with elevated heels, applied immediately after surgery.
Heels lowered after 2 weeks and horse shod with a 4 weeks interval.
27th March pre-surgery
Heels not in contact the with ground.

27th March

Post- surgery

7th June

Horse is in training and prognoses to be functional as dressage horse are good.