No-Snow Pad Front
No-Snow Pad Front
No-Snow Pad Hind
No-Snow Pad Hind


Télen keresztül biztonságos patakon

Mustad NoSnow prevents the build-up of a dangerous snowball in shod hooves. It is available in 2 types, either made of very rigid though flexible transparent plastic (NoSnow) or a black artificial rubber with woven reinforcement (NoSnow Black). The transparent type is available in the following models: Mini, Standard and Maxi, both front and hinds. The black type has a Standard and a Trotter model, also both front and hinds. The unique air cushion compresses, then expands to push snow out of the hoof. This even prevents a dangerous snowball build-up, significantly minimizing the risk of injury for horse and rider. It also improves winter traction. 

Where to buy?

Product summary

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Nem csak a lábát lógom, hanem a lóval is

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