Mustad Vareo lightweight
Horseshoes that benefit your shoeing
Mustad steel horseshoes are manufactured with high quality standards, providing great advantages in the daily work of the farrier.
Mustad steel horseshoes are manufactured with high quality standards, providing great advantages in the daily work of the farrier.
The shoe should always fit to the horse – and not the horse to fit to the shoe
Aksel Vibe, a Norwegian farrier with a clear ambition
Norwegian farrier Aksel Vibe has a tremendous drive on pushing himself to become better at was he does. He reached a lot, but feels that he’s only half way his career. Read storyChristoph Schweppe, Master farrier and teacher in Germany
German farrier and teacher, Christoph Schweppe tells about his busines, competitions, the farrier industry and innovations such as the Mustad BaseMax. Read story