Shoeing with optimised traction
A concave style of shoe works best
When shoeing for turf, a farrier should consider optimising traction by CUTTING the turf!!!
You should use a shoe which optimizes this, ground seating on the inside edge of the shoe (Concave) and has a full crease through the shoe. Both of these aspects will increase traction. If additional traction is needed, a stud can be applied to the shoe with the aid of stud holes.
A concave style of shoe works best in these condition, which is traditionally a fully fullered shoe with a ground seating throughout. When shoeing with this type of shoe it is recommended that the hind shoes are safed off, and the dorsal wall blunted to reduce the risk of injury to the front limbs as quite often these animals are moving at a fast pace.
Tips for safing the toe of the shoe
Forging - Place the toe of the shoe over the horn of the anvil, bring the hammer down at a 45degree angle and strike the outer edge of the shoe on the ground surface, thus forging the material back into the shoe. Do this along the radius of the toe from toenail hole to toenail hole .
Grinding - hold the toe of the shoe at a 45 degree angle making sure that the point of contact is the ground surface. Again work from toenail hole to toenail hole to ensure a nice even angle to the circumference of the toe.
Creating stud holes - when creating stud holes it is important to create an even collar so that the client can place the stud into the hole evenly. This helps to prevent cross threading. To achieve this, it is possible to drill the holes on shoes which have a solid heel making sure that the drill is placed in the centre of the stock allowing for an even distribution either side of the stud hole. We would advise using a counter sink drill bit also to allow for an easier application of the studs.
Creating a stud hole in a non-solid heel - once you have fitted the shoe it is a good idea to centre dot mark the area on the shoe where you would like the stud hole to be (do this on the foot surface of the shoe) then heat the shoe up to the required temperature and punch a hole into the marked area. Do this until you feel the rebound from the surface of the anvil. This will create a collar for you to drill through, which in turn gives you a great stud.